Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April fool

Dang, i dont even know it is april fool until someone pranked me. Further more it happens all the time, and they never fail.

Not come i got fooled by people every time?

Well, i tried to lay some awesome jokes and tried to fool people, but none of them was successful, in fact, i was offended...they said it was lame and some say was predictable..

OK FINE! MAYBE IT WAS, least I've tried to fool you! HA! TAKE THAT!

*this is getting lame....*

Anyway, note that this is a lame post, ignore it by any necessary means. Before u thought of slapping me, Thank you.

P.S : dang the junk food, made me fat and there goes my life span! But on the other hand, that is my only comfort zone when i need something to munch.

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